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Is it bad to spray perfume in your hair?


We do love to use perfume in our daily life and for a special occasion. Nowadays, it has become our daily habit, and we are becoming used to it, but can you spray perfume in any place of your body? The simple and straight answer is not. Any doctor does not recommend it. Today we will discuss an interesting topic “Is it bad to spray perfume in your hair?”. This question will come to our mind very easily when we are spraying it on our bodies.

Does perfume make your hair greasy?

If we use scent on hair that will certainly make a nice smell, but the question is, “Am I making the right decision?” We know that high alcohol content that is available in the perfume can make your hair dry within a few minutes. I believe this is an alarming issue that should be considered when you are making an urgent decision. On the other hand, the oiliness of them can make your hair almost greasy.

Disadvantages of using perfume on the hair

We know that the scent or perfume contains almost 70% of alcohol. In short, we can describe it as volatile and sometimes as a neutral supporting substance, and it will make a solubilize essential oil that is responsible for perfume’s concentrate. Alcohol can dissolve the oil that describes the hydrolipidic film about your skin or the hair.

Now, if you use sprinkling perfume on your hair for at least 15minutes, then it will dry them out. There is a chance that your scalp might be impregnated with the help of alcohol. This is responsible for making your hair dry, and then, later on, it might create dandruff and itching.

Suppose if you sprinkle just one or two doses of perfume on to the hair and later on take care to avoid the scalp. That might be a safe process, but the experts have said that it is also risky. Using too much perfume can sometimes make a bad impact on your health.

If a patient has any allergic problem, then it might be ultimately risky to use perfume on the hair. This process will create a series of problems in his daily life, and he might suffer from some other problem.

As you are using perfume to make style and like to be confident with your family or friends, if it will make the negative sequence, then you must have to avoid it. Without using perfume, there are several techniques that you might follow here. If it is urgent, then go for that technique, but it would be a bad idea to spray perfume in your hair.


You need to pull back from the decision of using deodorant or any kind of body care products that are not adequately designed to use on the hair. It will have some bad sequences which might damage your hair in the long run.

From my experience, let me share a relevant recipe. You can make a mixture of 2 drops of vanilla essential oil with fully organic cornstarch and lightly make it dust and finally use it on the top of your hair. I believe it makes a smell on your hair. At the same time, it will help you to remove oil and dirt from the hair.

Vanilla is my personal choice. You can choose different flavors like peppermint (refreshing), lemon, or citrus, or if you like to be crazy, use an exotic smell like Ylang-ylang, etc.

You need to avoiding dusting on your hair when you are carrying a blocked cloth. Please be confirm that the powder should stay out of your eyes. If you do not like to deal with shampoo or powder trick, add a few drops of favorite essential oil with the daily hair care products. This technique will also be helpful for creating fragrance in your hair.

Final Few Words | Is it bad to spray perfume in your hair?

By using perfume, we can undoubtedly boost ourselves. This sentence is true, but you should not spray it here and there. It can suffer you badly. So, be cautious about this matter and take your decision wisely so that anything wrong will not happen. We will post different types of perfume related blogs here, so stay with us and enjoy the discussion.

One thought on “Is it bad to spray perfume in your hair?

  1. Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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